Audio, video, or written word. Publish anything you can create, on your own, without a platform’s percentage-of-your-gross fees. All on your site, with your design, on your web host, with your merchant account. No middlemen required.
Custom Tools - Open Sourced. Define your main entity and content type, that’s it. SEO markup done right, automatically. Message users with rule-based tools for any offer you might envision. Every block element is customizable by user tier.
Aesthetics as simple or complex as you want. Just a custom CSS and menus, or a complete Javascript UI, it’s up to you. Simple HTML / CSS styling in the admin without changing the base code, or a headless API serving a custom site and apps, all in the same CMS.
The included Ansible scripts make deployment a breeze. Fill in the blanks and your media site will come alive on Digital Ocean’s cloud. Instead of 18% - 30% of your gross, publish yourself for $0.01 per gigabyte of bandwidth, on your own hosting account.